Sitemap - 2023 - The Chip Letter

2023 : A Year In Chips

8-Bit : Learning from the Sources

Motorola's Pioneering 8-bit 6800: Origins and Architecture

Why Are There No Minicomputers Any More?

The Virtues Of The 8-Bit Era : Eight Iconic Processor Designs

ILLIAC IV Supercomputer : DARPA, SIMD, Fairchild and Stanley Kubrick's '2001'

RISC-V : Will SiFive be a Winner?

Intel vs NEC : The Case of the V20's Microcode

Emulation Everywhere

Apple's Mac Transitions : 68k to PowerPC to Intel to Apple Silicon

No one ever got fired for buying ... Nvidia

Ten Books On The History of Semiconductors

GPU Compute : Costs, Trends, Huang's Law and FLOPS in the Brain

Deep Thought, Deep Learning and the World's Total Computing Resources

Sustaining Nvidia's Long Game

Computer Architecture: Four Great Learning Resources

McCulloch, Pitts, Neural Networks and the Origins of Modern Computing

Happy 65th Birthday, Integrated Circuit

Seven Projects Innovating Around RISC-V

Inmos and the Transputer - Part 2 : Politics and Processors

One Year On. Thank You!

Inmos and the Transputer : Instruction Set and Architecture

Inmos and the Transputer - Part 1 : Parallel Ventures

RISC-V : Poll Results And A New Emulator

RISC-V - Part 2: Ambitious Aims

Will RISC-V become the standard for Instruction Set Architectures?

Chip Letter Links No. 22 : Intel Gallatin, Nvidia, Minimal CPU, Gary Kildall, Richard Feynman, John von Neumann, Twitter, Quake and more

Learn more about RISC-V

RISC-V - Part 1: Origins and Architecture

Nvidia and the Longevity of Technology Moats

Herman Goldstine and the IAS Machine: Unveiling the Modern Computer

Intel APX

Chip Letter Links No. 21 : Xerox PARC Special

Arm at Amazon

The Everything Blueprint - Arm Everywhere

Chip Letter Links No. 20 : Intel i960, John Goodenough, RISC-V in Terraria, Loongson, AT&T Microworld and more

Ericsson to Whatsapp : The Story of Erlang - Supplemental

Ericsson to WhatsApp : The Story of Erlang

Chip Letter Links No.19 : AMD Zen 4, Nvidia, x86 Instructions, 8-Bit Video, General Turtle, 1-Bit Computing, ZX Spectrum

Nvidia's Embarrassingly Parallel Success

AT&T’s CRISP Hobbits - Supplemental

AT&T’s CRISP Hobbits

Be Grateful, Be Geeky, Be Generous : Jean-Louis Gassée's Memoirs

Chip Letter Links No. 18: NexGen, Nvidia, Die Topology, FastGPT in Fortran and more

The First 'Apple Silicon': The Aquarius Processor Project

The First 'Apple Silicon' : The Aquarius Processor Project - Supplemental

The Long History of REP MOVS

The RISC Wars Part 2 : The Age of Alliances

Chip Letter Links No. 17: Raptor Lake, Fake Chips, China's Chipmakers, Linux in the Browser, Stepper Prices, Cray and more

The RISC Wars Part 1 : The Cambrian Explosion

The RISC Wars Part 1 : The Cambrian Explosion - Supplemental

RISC on a Chip: David Patterson and Berkeley RISC-I

Chip Letter Links No. 16 : Gordon Moore's Notebooks, Nvidia on Acquired, Assembly Language, Jeff Hinton, RISC-V on Jupyter

Apple's "Perpetual, Royalty-Free License" and Other Arm Myths

The Unnecessary Obscurity of Assembly Language

iAPX432 : Gordon Moore, Risk and Intel’s Super-CISC failure

Chip Letter Links No. 15 : Gordon Moore, Itanium, Inventing Ethernet, MIPS, RISC-V and more

The Arm Story Part 3 : Creating A Global Standard

The Arm Story Part 3 : Creating a Global Standard - Supplemental

Bring Back Bunny

Trillion Dollar Stopgap: The Intel 8086

Chip Letter Links No 14: Raspberry Pi Pico

The Arm Story Part 2 : Archimedes to Advanced RISC Machines

The Arm Story Part 2 : Archimedes to Advanced RISC Machines - Supplemental

Once Again Through Eratosthenes Sieve : 40 Years of Progress

The Arm Story Part 1 : From Acorns

The Arm Story Part 1 : From Acorns - Supplemental

Chip Letter Links No. 13: Andy Grove and the 80386

The Founding of ASML Part 2: Oil to Electric

The Founding of ASML Part 2: Oil to Electric - Supplemental

Chip Letter Links No.12: Nintendo Strategy, ASML Culture, Dekatron, Blinkenlights, RISC-V Summit

Serious Fun

Captain Zilog Crushed! Supplemental

Captain Zilog Crushed! : The Story of the Z8000